Join the Organidons: Organization and Management Scholars on Mastodon

This is what Open AI makes out of the instruction “organization scholarship in the style of digital retro art”

With its decentralized and non-profit nature, the Fediverse in general and Mastodon in particular provide a fitting and low-threshold opportunity to follow interesting researchers and practitioners, stay in touch with colleagues and share research output with the world. However, for a social network to thrive, it requires a critical mass of active users. To make it easier to find and (re-)connect with fellow organization and management scholars on Mastodon, we have launched the Organidons project: a curated opt-in only list of organization and management scholars on Mastodon.

The creation of this list was inspired by the collection of lists at Academics on Mastodon over at Github.

In addition, we have also extracted via fedifinder those people who are following the account of the journal Organization Studies on Twitter (@osofficer) and have put their Mastodon handle in their Twitter profile to be found there. Check out this list to get an overview of some people who are already on Mastodon (this list is static and won’t be updated in the future).

New Article: »Overcoming communicative separation for stigma reconstruction: How pole dancers fight content moderation on Instagram«

In this article in Organization, we, Milena Leybold and Monica Nadegger, unpack how stigmatized groups reconstruct stigma despite their communicative separation. We conducted a netnographic study to investigate a case of pole dancers—and later sex workers, strippers, and other stigmatized groups—protesting the stigmatization practice of shadowbanning and the sex-work stigma on Instagram. 

Continue reading “New Article: »Overcoming communicative separation for stigma reconstruction: How pole dancers fight content moderation on Instagram«”

The Austrian Strategizing Activities & Practices Community met in Innsbruck

The Strategizing Activities and Practices (SAP) is an Interest Group at the Academy of Management and thus quite global. However, beyond international meetings and online collaborations, we thought more regional meetings would be nice to allow for informal exchange and peer learning. And the first Austrian SAP Community meeting on January 13, 2023, demonstrated that this thesis was highly accurate. Thanks to all who joined us in Innsbruck – and a special thank you goes to Milena Leybold, who was the lead organizer of the event.

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New Special Issue in Organization Studies: “Open Organizing in an Open Society? Conditions, Consequences and Contradictions of Openness as an Organizing Principle”

Ten years ago, in autumn 2013, I had teamed up with Georg von Krogh and Richard Whittington applying for a first of what turned out to become a series of four sub-themes on organizational openness that I had the honor to co-convene:

One red thread throughout these EGOS sub-themes was the goal to connect research on organizational openness across various domains. Building upon these discussions, Violetta Splitter, Richard Whittington, Georg von Krogh, Peter Walgenbach and I applied for editing a special issue on “Open Organizing in an Open Society? Conditions, Consequences and Contradictions of Openness as an Organizing Principle”, which has now finally been published. The introductory article is available as an open access full text:

Continue reading “New Special Issue in Organization Studies: “Open Organizing in an Open Society? Conditions, Consequences and Contradictions of Openness as an Organizing Principle””

Guest Lecture at the DiSCourse Seminar: “Openness as Organizing Principle: Dilemmas across Domains” [Updates]

The Digital Science Center (DiSC) at the University of Innsbruck invited me to give a talk in their lecture series “DiSCourse Seminar” on Thursday, January 12, 2023, at 13:15. Please check out the abstract of my talk on “Openness as Organizing Principle: Dilemmas across Domains”:

‘Openness’ has become an organizational leitmotif of our time, spreading across a growing set of organizational domains. However, most discussions within these specialized domains (e.g. open data, open innovation or open strategy) pursue openness as a program, focusing on challenges specific to the particularities of those domains. Conceptualizing openness as a dynamic organizing principle along dimensions of transparency/opacity and inclusion/exclusion allows theorizing and potentially addressing dilemmas associated with programmatic approaches to openness across these various domains.

Participants are invited to join the event at the Digital Science Center, Innrain 15, Open Space Area (1st floor) or online via Big Blue Button.

Continue reading “Guest Lecture at the DiSCourse Seminar: “Openness as Organizing Principle: Dilemmas across Domains” [Updates]”