New Article in MIT Sloan Management Review: “This Is Not (Digital) Businss as Usual”

Ali Aslan Gümüsay, Head of the Innovation & Entrepreneurship Research Group at the Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG) and Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Hamburg, is among the contributors to the collaborative open course “Organizing in Times of Crisis”. Together, we have published a brief reflection piece on organizational coping-strategies with the Corona crisis from reactive to proactive:

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Upcoming webinars on SAP research

In June, the Strategizing Activities and Practices (SAP) Interest Group is going to host two webinars. They are part of a webinar series, where leading SAP scholars introduce SAP newbies to the foundations of SAP research, and provide more advanced participants with added clarity around core issues related to strategizing activities and practices.

On June, 4th, Paul Spee, Associate Professor in Strategy at the University of Queensland, will present on “”Strategy-as-practice and the Focus on Sociomateriality”. On June 18th, Leonhard Dobusch will present on “Open Strategy as a Practice”.

If you are interested in attending one or both of the free webinars, please register here: 

Paul Spee  – “Strategy-as-Practice and the Focus on Sociomateriality”

Leonhard Dobusch – “Open Strategy as a Practice”

In case you miss them: Don’t worry! They will be recorded and accessible on the website of the SAP Interest Group.

Virtuelle Podiumsdiskussion: VUC(ovid-19)CA World – Next Organisation?

Am 9. Juni werde ich von 12:30-14:00 Uhr an einer Podiumsdiskussion der FH des BFI Wien zum Thema “VUC(ovid-19)CA World – Next Organisation? Was erwartet uns in dieser neuen, durch COVID-19 geprägten Arbeitswelt?” teilnehmen. Aus der Ankündigung:

Wie kaum je zuvor, leben wir im Moment. Jede tagtägliche Veränderung hat gravierende und weitreichende Auswirkungen auf Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Gebannt blicken wir auf Entwicklungen der Zahlen von Neu-Infektionen, wirtschaftliche Auswirkungen und tief greifende Eingriffe in das persönliche Leben. […] Doch welche weiteren Veränderungen in Zusammenarbeit, Management und Technologie haben nun langfristige Auswirkungen?

Die Veranstaltung findet ohne Publikum aber live im Internet statt, Zugangsdaten werden nach der Anmeldung zeitgerecht übermittelt.

New Article: “Resourcing under tensions: How frontline employees create resources to balance paradoxical tensions”

Anna Schneider, Julia Brandl (both colleagues at the Department of Organization and Learning, IOL), and IOL alumni Bernadette Bullinger have recently published a paper on “Resourcing under tensions: How frontline employees create resources to balance paradoxical tensions” in Organization Studies. The abstract reads as follows:

Managing resources and tensions at the frontline is crucial for organizational success. To advance our understanding of how frontline employees turn assets into useful resources under tensions, we draw on research on resourcing and practices of responding to paradoxical tensions. Our ethnographic study of employees in a multinational retail–fashion company finds three resourcing practices – situational reframing, organizational preframing and institutional deframing – that enable frontline employees to balance tensions. We contribute to both the resourcing perspective and to research on individuals’ responses to paradoxical tensions, first, by identifying the varying scopes of meaning (situational, organizational or institutional) that employees infuse potential resources with; second, by extending the notion of framing to understand how resourcing is accomplished interactively in tension-laden situations; and third, by explaining how employees’ construction of tensions is related to their dynamic moves between resourcing practices.

Check out the full article via the journal webpage. In case you or your institution don’t have access please write us or the authors to receive a copy.