“Clash of Cultures”: re:publica-Panel über Bewegungen und ihre Organisationen

re:publica TENVon 2. bis 4. Mai findet in Berlin bereits zum 10. Mal die als Blogger-Konferenz gestartete re:publica statt, die mittlerweile zur wohl größten Digitalkulturkonferenz Europas geworden ist. Das Themenspektrum ist dementsprechend breit und gemeinsam mit Volker Grassmuck, Kathrin Passig und Monic Meisel bin ich bei einem Panel rund um Bewegungen und digitale Communities sowie mit ihnen verbundene, formale Organisationen mit an Board. Aus der Ankündigung des martialisch betitelten Panels “Clash of Cultures“:

Wikipedia, Freifunk und der öffentlich-rechtliche Rundfunk – drei Wissensinstitutionen, die dem Gemeinwohl, der res publica verpflichtet sind. So unterschiedlich sie sind, besteht das Verhältnis von Basis zu Institution jeweils aus den drei Schritten: Beauftragen, Bezahlen, Begutachten.

Zur Einstimmung auf die re:publica sei an dieser Stelle noch auf das Video meines letztjährigen Vortrags zur “Bewilligungskultur im Netz” verwiesen:

4 Open: Wiki-based Course on “Open Organizations and Organizing Openness”

govxborders-hochOn February 1st I joined the Department of Organization and Learning at University of Innsbruck as a professor of business administration with a focus on organization. One of the most challenging and, at the same time, tempting tasks as a newly appointed professor is the opportunity to design at least some new courses from scratch. In particular, I was so lucky to being offered to teach the module on “Current Issues in Organization Studies”, which allowed me to design a course I have been wanting to give for a long time: “Open Organizations and Organizing Openness“.

The overall rationale for the structure of the course follows the imperative formulated by Tkacz (2012: 404, PDF) in his “critique of open politics”:

To describe the political organisation of all things open requires leaving the rhetoric of open behind.

As a consequence, the lecture part of the course is organized around different aspects or dimensions of organizational openness such as boundaries, transparency, participation or emergence. The respective readings only peripherally address the issue of openness but rather shall provide the building blocks for arriving at a more precise and theoretically grounded understanding of openness.

Read the rest of this entry at governance across borders >>

Save-the-Date: 1st OS ConJunction Students and Alumni Day on Nov. 25, 2016

Uibk-logo-miniThe first Organization Studies ConJunction – Students and Alumni Day 2016 will take place on November 25th, 2016 at the SoWi-Campus, University of Innsbruck.

This day is a unique opportunity to connect with current and former fellow students of Universität Innsbruck’s Organization Studies (OS) Master program, to share experiences, to gain new and interesting insights into OS-topics and mainly, to spend a good time together in a relaxed atmosphere.

Inquiries should be sent to osconjunction@uibk.ac.at. Further details on the event will be posted on this blog.