WDR-Dokumentation “Der Kaufhauskönig” über Tiroler Immo-Milliardär René Benko

Die WDR-Journalisten Ingolf Gritschneder und Georg Wellmann haben eine knapp einstündige Dokumentation mit dem Titel “Der Kaufhauskönig” über Aufstieg und Geschäftspraktiken des Tiroler Immobilienunternehmers René Benko gedreht. Sie wurde Anfang der Woche in der ARD ausgestrahlt und ist jetzt in der ARD-Mediathek abrufbar.

Gegen Ende hin durfte ich kurze O-Töne mit einer Einschätzung zur Bilanz von Benkos “Signa Prime Selection AG” beisteuern, im Moment Magazin habe ich die Ergebnisse meiner Analyse etwas ausführlicher festgehalten. Hintergrund für meine Befragung ist meine Forschung gemeinsam mit Sebastian Botzem zu finanzialisierten Geschäftsmodellen in der Immobilienbranche.

“Message control” or “frank speech” as a response to Corona crises management?

An essay by Richard Weiskopf

The success of the “measures” proposed by the government to contain and control the Corona virus depends to a large extent on the willingness of the population to go along with these “measures.” This willingness is contingent on a variety of factors. In this post, I pick out one factor that has a significant influence: the communication behavior of the government, or the communicative relations between the governed and the governed. I would like to briefly introduce two different models and put them up for discussion: that of strategic communication and that of frank speech.

Strategic communication and message control

In political and organizational communication, “strategic communication” is often offered as the means of choice when it comes to implementing “measures” efficiently. This model recommends that organizations and governments communicate strategically to various stakeholders. Messages and news that the organization/government sends out should be clearly structured, formulated uniformly and without contradiction, and sent out with the aid of suitable media.

In terms of communication theory, this idea is based on the classic sender-receiver model developed by the mathematicians Shannon and Weaver in the USA in the 1940s. The aim here was to explore how a message defined by a sender can be transported to a receiver in an efficient manner.

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